Friday, September 10, 2010

Scrapbook Photos

it's been sort of a tradition to give a scrapbook or cute album of photos with good bye and good luck messages to anyone who's resigning in the office.

when i was new in brand marketing, we were 4: lea, celeb, me and sir eric.
then sir eric moved to a different department.

we had a new boss, but we werent very "close" yet.

so it was always me, celeb and lea in the pix.

eventually, lea left.

celeb and i made an effort to get a pic with our boss, to rebuild our family =)



then we had a new recruit, who is supposedly assuming lea's post.

we had quite a few pictures with her.


but she did not stay for long.

so now, it's just me and celeb.

i posted this on fb. so for those who are leaving soon... feel free to tag yourself =)

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